Tuesday, June 19, 2007

good thesis news

I met with my thesis advisor yesterday. The first thing she said to me "I was so impressed!" YES! She said it was so so nice and that my writing was really good. yeah! There are just a few little points to change and a few typos.... my favorite "the participant'sexperience.... ha. freud would've gotten a kick out of that.

In other news... I went to DC over the weekend and played with my friend jessie. We went to a singles barbeque where I ran into the james dewey.... who started the poetry club that I went to my last year at byu. that was kind of exciting. The best part was that he didn't remember my name, but remembered one of my poems. I think that is an enormous compliment. He provided me with a little motivation to open up my notebooks and write a little more poetry.

In other news.... I think I want to buy the new Mandy Moore album. I don't know what my fascination is with her, but i just think she's mature and classy, especially compared to a lot of the young celebrities these days. And I've heard some of her new stuff and it actually sounds pretty good. And co-writing with rachel yamagata. classy.


Hoon said...

I think Mandy Moore would be a good celebri-friend for you.

mere said...

yay- i still want to read it. on the next desk over from me is "radical lace and subversive knitting" reminds me of you

The Eatons said...

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over and over again...

If thats not profound, I don't know what is.