Sunday, February 8, 2009

Girls Night Out!

I feel like it's pretty rare when I feel an obligation to recommend or not recommend something. Don't get me wrong, if someone asks my opinion I'll happily share my thoughts, but I don't really feel the need to go out of the way to tell people to do something or not do something. But in this case I feel like I have to.

This movie is terrible. I read a few of the reviews before getting dragged along on a "girls night out." I knew it was going to be bad, but I thought having really low expectations would save me. But no, it was way worse than even my super low expectations. It was terrible in a train wreck sort of way. You're hating it, but you can't look away. And it's long and it feels even longer, excruciatingly long. And why pay money to get made fun of, or to watch characters that you don't even like act like idiots and get fed the message that girls are stupid and boys never like them and that boys are basically a bunch of jerks anyways so what's the point. Or maybe that's a dose of reality that I'm not ready to accept at this point. bleh.

And maybe I'm taking this a little too far, but at my job I've been thinking a lot about internalized racism and I really think that this movie could easily fall into the category of contributing to internalized sexism. As women, we are already fed the usually subtle message that image is everything and that we need to be attain a certain level of perfection to be loved and valued. So to have a full movie where the not-even-subtle message is that women are idiots who are constantly making excuses for jerky boys is sort of frustrating. Maybe I was supposed to understand that fact and feel empowered to change or something, but that feeling never came. Give me Jane Austen any day. Rant over.


Anonymous said...


mere said...

I've been thinking about subtle sexism as well. I've been noticing that a number of Dotty's books use male pronouns for presumably gender-neutral characters (animals, made up monsters etc...) and so I just substitute he/him/his for she/her/hers- it makes such a difference in the feeling of the story and the impression i'm sure it makes on Dot. It has made me realize how I refer to her inanimate objects like stuffed toys, blankets etc. They should all be HEs... thanks for the heads up by the way...

Unknown said...

Should've seen Paul Blart: Mall Cop.

It was amazing!