Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm bad at the internet

I got gmail a few days ago because a friend went and signed me up (Thanks Mary) though I'm feeling real hesitant to really make the switch.

Websites I normally frequent:
Yahoo for my email, facebook, friends' blogs, nytimes crossword, hulu, netflix. I've heard that there is a lot of cool, funny, interesting things on the world wide web, I'm not sure what those things are or how to find them.

What people I know blog about:
Babies (don't have any), funny things (I'm not that funny)

My life is basically boring. My work can be interesting, but it would be unethical for me to blog about it.

How can I get better at this?

I will brag about my most recent crafting escapades. I made this dress.


Krystal said...

A. CUTE dress! Love it!

B. If you need cool websites you should REALLY talk to your dad... I mean he showed me Juuuust saying! ;)

BirdieMann said...

Good work, I'm impressed! Also, the internet is just a time sucker, I'm sure you're much better off. =)

Preethi said...

So I'm reluctant to comment because I'm feeling guilty for STILL not having called you back. Will do that. But I had to comment any because holy cuteness, that dress! It is adorable! I wish I were as crafty as you. I am seriously jealous of that article of clothing.

love ya!

mere said...

You're funnier than you think you are. I will read your blog no matter what you write about. You don't have to email from gmail, just log on every once and awhile and see who to chat with!

The Eatons said...

baby quilts with shining bindings and stars prints, penguin tuques and surfie green dresses. your craftiness makes me ridiculously covetous.

Dahlia said...

Amazing dress - LOVE it!!! And you look amazing as well :) I've been in a blogging hiatus, there's a lot to see outdoors now that spring is here!